venturing upstairs
we headed to the back of the club, through a dark hallway and up a secluded staircase. halfway up the staircase was a locked door
"please knock for entrance"
said the sign on the door. so we knocked. as we were waiting for someone to open the door and reveal the sexy secrets behind it, another couple was approaching up the stairs. we smiled at each other knowing that we were all going to be naked in front of each other momentarily. a young woman let us into the door.
"is this your first time here?" she asks. "no" the other couple states as they get their key and head to the change rooms. we tell her its our first time and she gives us a little schpiel.
"heres your key to a locker, change rooms are right there. there should be two towels in the locker and bring the key back to me once youve changed. condoms and lubricant are in every room. enjoy!"
as she was speaking a few people wrapped partially in towels walked by and i could see some nakedness and caressing in the next room over.
we took our key and entered the change room. the other couple was still changing also. we smile at them again and i hope we arent sending a vibe that we want to fuck them, not that i would have minded. they are quite attractive. she is a beautiful european blonde with a cute hint of an accent. she has my ideal body for a woman. soft, well shaped and proportional and not too thin. i like a woman with a bit of meat on her. he, on the other hand, is a little meatier than i like in a man, but still interestingly attractive. hes the kind of guy that grows on you the more you get to know him.
we open our locker and take out our towels. i hesitate for a moment wanting the other couple to leave before i undress, but realize that is a bit silly considering what they will see us doing over the next few hours. i start to undress.
the man of the couple (J) starts a conversation. by the casualty and confidence i assume they have done this before.
"so this is your first time here? i suggest you stay out of the hot tub."
"heh, whats wrong with the hot tub?" i enquire
J leans in a little closer and half whispers "they dont clean it very often and they are still using chlorine"
"i thought all hot tubs used chlorine?"
"no. we use hydrogen peroxide in our one at home." hes getting louder and more excited as he speaks. "chlorine is a known carcinogen and it dries the shit out of your skin. your body naturally produces hydrogen peroxide so its not harsh on your skin and it has no smell. your skin is also left feeling soft and smooth afterward instead of dry and flakey."
i start to wonder if he is a hot tub salesman. "good to know" i answer.
he was in his boxers a good portion of the time he was talking to us, and completely comfortable while doing so also.
Y and i are slowly undressing
J continues "so anyway, this place isnt the cleanest. we swing all over the world eh, and have been to some amazing clubs. a lot of places have people that go around changing the sheets after every "session."
"and these guys dont?" we question
"nah, but just bring your towel around with you to kneel or lie on"
the girl (A) pipes in..."and if you can, wear your shoes too. ive never walked around here in my bare feet.
i hesitate as im slipping off my boots. "really?"
J answers "ah, thats a girls thing. i dont wear my shoes but she always doesnt. girls seem to be more afraid of stepping on something "gross." plus a man naked in boots or sneakers looks a hell of a lot more ridiculous than a naked woman in heels! most guys like that sort of thing."
point well taken. i put my boots back on. A&J are now both naked & wrapped in towels (her heels still on) and they say "well, good talking to you two. we are going to check out the scene. see you around"
"ya, see you around"
we finished undressing and wrapped ourselves in the towels. there i was, naked in a towel with knee high boots on, in a club with people having sex in the next room. as crazy and surreal it all seemed, A&J made me feel quite at ease and ready to enjoy this experience....
by dirtyalana @ 9:05 p.m.-
by dirtyalana @ 8:58 p.m.-
by dirtyalana @ 9:00 p.m.-
thats really all he needed to say, but apparantly he had a lot to get off of his chest... L: from what we've done, personality can go a long way (for instance, there was one woman who i thought was stunning but had the personality of an old shoe...actually an old shoe would probably have a lot of personality so make that a brand new shoe fresh off the assembly line) anyway it was weird...not that fun. then we've met other people that are reasonably attractive (not REALLY but not bad-looking) but who are lots of fun anyway and then there's some that fit both, which is always great. just surprised i guess that you guys aren't really into us that way; i'm usually decent at reading people but guess can't be right all the time. L: yeah we like you guys said not exactly what Y is looking for -- so is it something not meshing from his standpoint but not the same problem from your standpoint? just trying to get it me: yeah, i liked you both. but Y isnt attracted to a lot of smoking and drinking. just a difference in lifstyle that he isnt attracted to. but i am really glad that T was my first girly experience!
by dirtyalana @ 7:02 p.m.-
you see!? what does she mean by that? is she cool with it? does she hate us? why isnt she writting more than that? me: ...we are both really sorry, and like we said before, we really like the both of you as friends what does she see??? T: well i'm shocked not really sure what to say
by dirtyalana @ 1:44 p.m.-
by dirtyalana @ 7:50 p.m.-
by dirtyalana @ 10:45 a.m.-
by dirtyalana @ 1:23 p.m.-
by dirtyalana @ 7:30 p.m.-
by dirtyalana @ 2:21 p.m.-
by dirtyalana @ 8:45 p.m.-
by dirtyalana @ 7:25 p.m.-
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
back to the club again (nearing the end of february)
the club was the same as any other night. dancing, drinking, boobies. while dancing and checking out the scene we saw T&A on the other side of the room. we tried to check them out inconspicuously through the crowd so that if they were hideous, we would have time to run for the door without them spotting us! but apparently our detective skills aren’t up to par as they saw us peering at them through the crowed and waved us over. we waved back and danced over to them.
"you must be Y and alana!" T leans in and yells over the music.
"yeah, and you are T&A!" i shout back
having a conversation for the first time with people that you have just met AND could possibly fuck in the future is difficult enough, but trying to compete with the loud club atmosphere makes it that much harder. we all shook hands and tried to yell back and forth to each other but it was a pretty awkward situation. after some time at attempting conversations, we all gave up and stood around looking at each other & ended up dancing off in our separate directions.
they were cute. young though at around 18 or 19. a little young for my liking, but Y didnt mind. i like men & T was a little boyish looking. he also looked like he was trying a bit too hard to look "cool" with a touch of "gino" flare. she was cute but was chubbier than what Y usually goes for, but still attractive.
i knew it was their first time at a club like this, and knowing they were so young i figured that they wanted to take things slowly. i also, for some reason, thought that she was quite shy from an msn conversation earlier, but i clearly misinterpreted her shyness. about 10 mins after we had left T&A we saw them dancing, grinding, touching and kissing in a couple sandwich kinda like the one that we had done a while back. i never claimed to be a great judge of character!
it was getting late and it was time to make a choice. do we go home now, get a good nights sleep and feel good all day tomorrow? or do we go upstairs and have sex in front of strangers until the early hours of the morning, feeling tired but very satisfied tomorrow??
i'll take option # 2 please.
Monday, May 15, 2006
T & L. : the end....hopefully!
L: hi :)
10 mins later not really on the computer right now...watching a movie.
L: well if ya wanna chat later, i might be on; not sure though; sleepy. enjoy the movie :)
chat later? did he not get everything off of his chest the day before? i dont even talk to me best friends on msn this much!
the next day. (my cat was sitting in a drawer so my msn nickname was "my cats in a drawer")
L: cat's in a drawer? that's no home for a cat!
10 mins later
L: "help! I'm in a drawer! why did i go in here? damn; i NEVER think these things through. where does it end?"
i didnt answer.
on my comuter the next night...
L: hi
and hour later...
L: hi
15 mins later...
L: wacky cat
5 mins later..
L: drawer cat
the day after that...
20 mins later...
L: helloooooo?
i havent answered in 3 days...another day goes by...
an hour later...
L: hey
yet another hour later...
L: hey? u guys around? maybe it's an illusion...but not in the david copperfield sense...spooky
he freaked me out. i was half expecting them to, one day out of the blue, show up on our doorstep to see how we were doing . i stopped going on my msn since i didnt want to be bothered by him constantly sending messages. the feeling of being back in highschool was back, but this time i remembered girls running after the boys they liked, sending them emails, calling their house and constantly wanting to know where they were, what they were doing and who they were doing it with to the point of obsession. i decided to do what any mature honest adult would do in this situation....
i deleted them from our MSN and blocked them so they could no longer send us messages or even see when we are online.
that should give them the picture.
T & L: the break up #3
L: what's the skinny? (what does that term mean? anyone ever ask what's the fat?)
a few mins go by...
L: uh oh i scared her away
me: no im here...just searching for something....
L: np... so rumor has it we're kind of a no-go? :)
me: yeah... sorry about that....we really like the two of you as people, just dont want the sexual stuff anymore. :(
L: well shouldn't do anything with anyone unless it's what you want...i mean ultimately this kind of experience needs to be about having fun with people you have a connection with (personality/attraction)...
me: well, its not exactly what Y is looking for. but again, we really do like the both of you ...just not sexually
L: wow...didn't realize that was gonna be a deal-breaker. i don't drink very much (T does sometimes, more so in social situations -- including swinging ones) and sure, T does smoke but she's respectful of other people (she won't smoke in a home that is smoke-free for example). well hey, you've gotta have your principles. a thing that could mean nothing to one person could mean everything to another. everyone's got their own line to draw. some people would avoid people who snort coke or do E or smoke pot (we don't do drugs -- we have done pot before in the past but not really our thing anyway). or they'll avoid axe murderering leprechauns (that's a pretty standard one actually)
at this point i had a feeling that there was an underlying "thats a stupid reason to break up with us" tone in his type...
L: i don't know -- i think my thing when it comes to any vice is i sort of put it as: how does this affect a person's fundamental personality and behaviour? if they function normally and the vice is just part of them, then it's under control. if the vice is so deep into them that it runs them and their life is completely planned around catering to that vice without any room for leeway, that's usually dangersville (y'know like people who go on 3-day benders and then go for a drive or gambling addicts who take their paycheque straight to the casino etc). boy do i ramble. we like you guys...just feel frustrated....i mean, some people might not find us attractive (yeah, hard to imagine ;) -- kidding of course). and there was one couple that for some reason found me creepy (apparently, after we and they had exchanged sevearl sets of pix, me asking for pix another time was "creepy" -- go figure). and some people maybe just don't have compatible personalities -- i mean, that can be a huge problem. some people just don't have chemistry and it doesn't work. (then again somewhere out there, there's some guy going "Why don't the ladies like me? I don't live in a crack house; it's a crack HOME.")
me: i know what youre saying. i guess the smoking thing isnt big to me since i used to be a smoker, but for Y its a big thing...more so that he really thought i guess. i quit 2 weeks before i met him and we both think that we would never have gotten together if i was still a smoker when i first met him
L: weird...i used to be a die-hard anti-smoker. i think the school system drilled that into me. but i had 4.5 good years with my ex (well...maybe not all of them were good but most were and i can't fault smoking for those that weren't). and if I was still thinking that way, i'd have never found T. sure, one could argue that had i not found her, perhaps i'd have found someone else and so i'd never know what i was missing. but i love T with everything i've got and if i don't even like to think about what my life would be life if i hadn't met her. not that i'm just a fragment of a person without her or anything but she brings so much to my life and i like to think i do the same to hers. you guys seem really happy too -- i don't know, not trying to get all preachy but is it something so awful that it would mean the difference between potentially a lifetime of love or not? then, like i said, everyone's got their values and their limits. none are necessarily right or wrong. everyone's just gotta decide for themselves what truly matters.
ok, now hes talking about life-time love? so he loves T and she smokes...but we arent looking to fall in love with them. hes starting to creep me out a little bit...
L: hell, even though we have a home that has smoke in it, T will smoke outside (and have others do the same) for parties and stuff because she doesn't like non-smokers to feel uncomfortable (if it bothered me enough, she'd smoke outside too but i like her to feel comfortable also...i'd like her to quit and she wants to also...but i want her to quit when it's time for her to do it -- i tried to nag my ex into quitting and all it led to was 4 unsuccessful and stressful attempts and a lot of fighting
me: yeah, but even though i dont mind smoke, i dont think i could date a smoker now....for me its the fact of watching someone i love kill themselves, but you know...everyone has what they find attractive. its just a huge turn off for Y.
how many times do i have to say that? does he think durring his rambling Y is suddenly going to decide that he is wonderfully attracted to smoking?
L: i mean if before i'd met T someone had said "okay so she smokes, used to be a sex addict when she had self-esteem issues, has a pathological fear of needles and will become diabetic which will be a nightmare in some ways" -- i might have run screaming and never looked back. most people do one thing or another that is destructive either to themselves or to others (or both) in some way. could be smoking, drinking, drugs, could be physical abuse, sexual abuse, could be committing crimes (which means you're visiting them in jail), could be gambling, could be fatty foods, too much caffeine, being a workaholic, having a disease, being self-obsessed, being judgmental ,being racist or homophobic or part of a satanic cult or sexist or any number of other things across the spectrum: physical,emotional, spiritual, psychological,sexual. any of the above is arguably bad; sometimes very bad. love can be blind to these things -- sometimes it's better that it is; sometimes not
as you can see, ive typed about two sentances to him...he just keeps going. im not sure if he is upset about our decision, or mad at some underlying dislike in his relationship...
L continues: then again, swingers can be an odd bunch -- when you pledge your life to someone you love, you need to make sure you're both pretty matched up. but if it's another couple, you can be like "oh so you're dying eh? wow...yeah, that's um...yeah that's too bad. wow. annnnnnyway, it's been a slice. of CRAP, that is! haha! sucks to be you!" not everyone is quite so cold though....
me: rambly mc ramblton...thats what i'll call you but also with swingers we are all really here to have fun sexually with people we are attracted to. if there is something that one is not attracted to then its a deal breaker for both
L: tis true; that's the way she blows (so to speak...arrrrrr). and it can be frustrating at times if one feels one way and one feels the other but when in doubt or when there's disagreement, always better to go with the one who's not comfortable. T and i have felt the same way: if either of us is a "no", it's a no. it should never be any other way.
me: indeed
L: we're both kind of sad and disappointed that Y feels that way but if it's how he feels, he's got that right and it's not the kind of thing that's to be debated or reasoned out: gut feelings are needed in this type of deal. it's gotta be comfortable. if he happens to change his mind, cool but not counting on. besides, once we feel not wanted, kinda hard to work that anyway (well take the couple that found me creepy -- not like i'm in a big hurry to want to do stuff with them anytime soon -- why would i want to be around someone who finds me creepy when so many people don't?). you guys do seem like cool people though...and attractive (well Y's not quite my type of course but T likes him...and of course we both like you :)) ok now it's your turn to ramble mindlessly ;0
me: ha, we never wanted to make you feel unwanted. :( man do i feel horrible. i really hope that we can still have fun without sex if we run into eachother again
L: i'm sure we guys are fun people and stuff and friends are good to have. no need to feel horrible. if Y does happen to have a change of heart, let us know i guess....
me: alright, well i have to head out now, but im glad we had a chat. have a good night, and we will talk again sometime in the future
not once did i mention the NEAR future. i was hoping that he got everything off of his chest, and we could chat every once in a while to catch up and that would be it...
L: cool...well write back later if you want
L: drop a line (or email) anytime..or even call! :) 9**-4**-****8 g'night
i though for sure we were going to get his pager number, fax number, work number for him and the guy in the cubicle beside him in case he happend to step away from his desk for a moment...i left my MSN on while i brushed my teeth and gave Y the short version of L's rants and let him know that he was kinda creeping me out now. he just seemed so intense about the whole thing. like i understand being upset if you really like people, but sometimes durring the conversation i felt like we just left him at the altar! i came back to check my email before bed about 15 mins after i was talking to L and there was this message to me...
L: you forget to sign off?
5 mins later...
L: ?
i shake my head and turn my MSN off.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
T & L : the break-up #2
T: helllllllloooooooooooo
T: sent the wink "Kiss"
me: hey
T: hows it going sexies?
me: tierd
T: why?
me: another late late night (blog note. you will hear about this exciting late night in a few posts from now!)
T: i guess you are feeling better then?
me: yeah
T: well, when are we going to see you guys again? :(
ok, so if there is a time to tell them how we really feel, this is it. imagine a 13 year old girl who is calling up the boy that she likes for the first time..."what do i say, what do i say!?" i start jumping around the apartment while Y looks at me like ive completely lost it. im a pretty calm and laid back person in most aspects of life, but apparently breaking up with people isnt one of my strong suits. after i jump around a little bit more, beg Y to tell me what to write, and beg him to write it so that i wont be the bad person (cause it really makes a difference) this is what we write:
me: well, we actually had a discussion about this.. .... we really enjoy your guys company, youre both really great people, but were just not sure that we want to have any more swinging experiences with you two.
see, sugar coated truth. thats a little easier to take than "Y would rather receive head from a hungry alligator"
T: any reason why
T: ?
and then we started writing in the third person so that they couldt really decifer who was typing..
me: well, alana really liked both of you and was really attracted to both also. but Y isnt really into the smoking and the drinking and just doesnt feel a connection. He definitely doesnt regret anything and did have a good time, its just not something he would like to do again. its just not what he is looking for or attracted to.
T: i see
T: i see
me: i dont know what to say either...except, im really glad that you were my first girl experience
and she didnt write back again. well, i figured that would be the end of that. they were probably mad and upset and offended and would never talk to us again.....
Thursday, May 11, 2006
T & L: the break-up #1
i just didnt want it to end badly. the swinging world isnt that large and i was sure that we would run into them again at some point. better for everyone to be able to get along when that eventually happens. i also have a fear of us getting "black listed" in the swinging community. i can picture us in a year down the road, walking into a club and have everyone talking, pointing and turning away from us as we walk in because we "dumped" every one of them along the line. highly unlikely and overdramatic, i know.
but the point is that they kept messaging us and messaging us and we had to tell them something. our first swinging stalkers!
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
T & L : the aftermath - truth be told
it was the next morning and even though i came twice and had a good time, i wasnt sure that Y did.
"well she smelled like smoke and she got really drunk. big turnoffs for me. L is nice though, really funny and cool."
damn. what are the chances that highly selective and picky me would be attracted to the man of the couple AGAIN and Y wouldnt like the girl? i did also find T attractive in this case, but i really didnt like that she got so wasted.
"she gave terrible head too"
i knew it. it took way too long for Y to cum while we were working our magic on him. especially since one of his biggest fantasies is to have two girls pleasuring him at the same time!
"why, what did she do?" (so that i can take note NOT to do it in the future)
"she just wasnt that good. i guess ive been spoiled by you. and while you were giving me head, she was sucking so hard on my left nut that i thought it was going to fall off! my fantasy was definitely not fulfilled with that experience"
"ok, so you werent overly attracted to her, her smoking and drinking turned you off AND she gives bad head...."
one of the first things we were told when we entered into this lifstyle was "never take one for the team" and we have been told it repeadedly since also. i could never enjoy myself knowing that he wasnt into it. the reason im doing this is for us to both get pleasure out of it. together. sure some guy or girl could lick my pussy, it will feel good, but what good is that if Y isnt into it? what i really want is to see Y fully enjoying me getting my pussy licked while he caresses the girls ass that is deep troating him. to feel his body tremble as me and another hot girl are sucking him dry. to hear him groan uncontrolably because he is so turned on by everything that is going on around him and can no longer hold in his explosion of extasy....
well, i guess theres only one thing for us to do then. we have to break up with them.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
T & L: the aftermath #1
"baby..." Y breathes.
"yeah baby?" i sleepily reply
"im glad you didnt swallow" he replies
i smile in my sleepy state and squeeze him even closer and kiss his forhead
"only your cum is good enough for me baby. no one elses."
and i drift back off to my dreams...
Friday, May 05, 2006
T & L #5
i look at Y for the go ahead and he is already undoing his fly.
T & i sit in front of Y and kiss a little while he removes his pants and L looks on from the other side of the couch. once Y sits back down, we go to work. both of us licking up and down the length of him, somtimes stopping at the top to explore eachother, or run our tongues over eachothers and around Y's head. we take turns sucking him. i wonder if she is able to take him deep into her since her mouth was quite small and we were told she has a bit of a gag reflex....(and Y is larger than the average sized man :) after she sucked for a while i decided to take over. as T slid down to tease his balls, L leaned over and rubbed T's pussy. i wished he could reach over and rub mine too.
Y gets harder in my mouth. i look up at him to see him shudder as he cums and gives me my recomended daily intake of protien
" i want what hes having" L jokes when we are finishing up, but T wants to rest....and get another drink before we go in for round two.
with drink in hand, T decides she wants to cuddle with Y. im fine with it, especially since Y gave the go ahead for L to lick my pussy while they cuddle. L loves to lick and i love to be licked so it was a good combination. it was about 2:30 am at this point so i was quite tired. While watching T & Y cuddle i was in a relaxing dreamlike state that was only enhanced by L between my legs. i came by the tongue of the third person in the room to lick my pussy that night!
i could tell it was time for Y to go to bed, but could also tell that L was ready to get his girl-girl blow job. T was getting drunker by the minute and slurred that she still wanted to cuddle with Y. sensing that Y wanted to go to bed, L pulled T up "but its time for these guys to go to bed sweetie.."
"but we still need to give you your entertainment for the night" she says trying to be sexy, but looking a little too drunk to pull it off. she slides down L, plops down onto the ground and startes undoing his pants.
"are you ok with me doing this baby?" i whisper to Y. "yeah" he nods.
"u sure?"
he nods again. so i go over and help T strip L's pants off.
again we take turns licking, sucking, teasing and tickling while L grows hard from our touch. its different sucking L. i could fit his entire length into my mouth. something i can only do with Y at the early stages of hardness. i look up to watch him enjoy us. he tries to take in as much of the visuals as possible before the pleasure becomes too much as he closes his eyes and throws his head back with a groan.
"im gonna cum" he moans and i quickly change from blow job to hand job as he explodes all over my hand and i watch his face twitch with pleasure. i love watching mens faces as they cum. especially a good hard cum resulting from 2 girls sucking your cock.
as L cleans himself himself up, T colapses back onto the couch, and looks like she wants to stay there for a while.
me: "well guys, it was fun, but we really have to get to bed"
it was 4 am and all i wanted to do was sleep. L hoists T up and helps her get her boots on. she stagers over to Y and lays a sloppy kiss on him as L & i give our lip-lock good bye. T then stumbbles over to me and gives me another of her soft awkward kisses. we all promise to do it again sometime and Y pats T on the butt and they are out the door
a very interesting way to spend the very first night in our new appartment. i guess the place is christened now!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
T & L #4
we flipped over cards and had to do something or give someone else something to do accordingly. it started out innocently enough...
" L, show us the dance that you have to do in your next show..."
"T & dirtyalana, dance seductivly with eachother..."
"Y & dirtyalana, show us some of your salsa moves..."
as the night went on. the more drinks that were drank by T, the more risqué her dares got.
"Y, lick dirtyalana's pussy..."
the first sexual request of the night and our first sexual act in front of another couple! sick or not, i never turn down a pussy lickin'. i look at Y and he half smiles and shrugs as if to say "i know youre not going to turn that down" so i take off my pants.
there i am. half naked on our new couch, in our new appartment, Y going down on me with 2 people that we just met a couple of hours ago watching....and enjoying. when we first got into swinging i only thought about the enjoyment of BEING with other people, but the minute i saw T & L watching Y lick away at me, and saw the enjoyment in their faces, i realized a whole new exciting side to swinging. exhibitionism...being watched and enjoyed was a huge turn on!
Y licked just long enough to get my juices flowing and leave my mind and body wanting more. luckily more came very quickly.
" T, lick dirtyalana's pussy..."
i was already throbing with enjoyment and added to it was the fact that this was the first time a girl has gone down on me, AND the boys get to watch it all happen. it was wonderful. women do everything differently than men, or so my experiences have shown. men get in there and lick and suck like this is the last pussy to ever be sucked again! girls take everything slower, softer and more sensual. so lick she did and enjoy it i did even more. my first girl on girl action, Y playing with my nipples and L looking hungrily on. the combination of these made me shudder and cum quite quickly.
somewhere along the way the stabbing pains in my throat were forgotten and the throbbing pain in my head was replaced by the throbbing pleasure between my legs.
it was then my time to return the favour that i just received from T and get my first taste of female pie. i had joked online that i would be like a 13 year old boy getting his first slobbering lick at a pussy, and that she would have to gide my every move, but once down there i knew exactly what to do. (i have one of these. its almost the same, i know what feels good...ive just never seen it from this angle!) i nibbled, sucked and licked like i wished someone was doing to me at that very moment. i was so involved with it that i failed to notice that she came 3 times...only until she was saying that she couldnt take it any more, the pleasure was too much and she needed a break, did i come up for air. (and quite proud of myself i was too!)
i got to rest for awhile as some "truth" questions were asked.
"Y, what are your fantasies?..."
there are too many to list here, but when Y mentioned two girls going down on him as one of his biggest fantasies, i saw the slight raise of T's drunken eyebrow and knew what she had in mindfor the next event....
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
T & L #3
there were boxes everywhere in our appartment but we managed to at least set up our living space with a couch and coffee table.
this meeting wasnt as nerve racking as our first for a few reasons:
1) it wasnt our very first meeting with a couple ever
2) we had been chatting with T & L for some time and already felt comfortable with them
3) i was sick & they said we were just going to hang out and get to know each other better. little did i know that we were going to "get to know them" as much as we did....
when they arrived it was pretty comfortable right away. we laughed and joked with each other like we did online & they both actually looked like their pictures!
after a breif tour of our apartment full of boxes, we all sat down to chat..... and thats when the booze came out...
dont get me wrong, i have no problem with alcohol. Y doesnt drink at all but i enjoy wine & martinis once in a while. neither of us have a problem being around people who are drinking, but when she said a "quiet night in getting to know each other" i didnt expect that to inlolve a 26er of vodka. they each poured themselves a drink. no problem. a couple of drinks to ease the nerves is understandible.
we luagh and chat and laugh some more.
T pours another drink and goes out for a cigarette.
we show them our juicer and make them fresh squeezed fruit and vegitable juice like we had promised them.
T adds vodka to her juice.
the boys drop a glass that shatters all over the floor in the kitchen. while they are cleaning it up, T plops down onto the couch and relaxingly calls me over. her eyelids look heavy and i figure the alcohol is taking over. i sitdown beside her and she lies on my and smothers me with kisses. "im sick remember" i protest, not wanting to spread my germs. "no worries...i wont get sick" she says with a slight slur. we kiss softly and awkwardly passionate. i wonder if the alcohol is making a difference in her technique.
"we leave you girls alone for 5 minutes and look what happens!" Y states as the boys enter back into the room with us girls making out on the couch.
" lets play a game!" T suggests as she pulls out a deck of cards. "we have played it with couples before to break the ice. technicaly its a drinking game, but you guys can drink your juice."
im thinking the last thing this girl needs is a drinking game, but instead i protest by saying im not really feeling up for too much "breaking of the ice" being sick and all.
T interupts "dont worry, we wont do anything you arent comfortable with"
at this point after our kiss, my fancy is tickled at the thought of playing with a girl, and i am interested in how much more this girl can drink, so i agree. "ok, lets play the game".....
Monday, May 01, 2006
T & L #2
they had left us both voice mail messages as we had a nap after the move. when we woke up, Y left it completely up to me if i wanted to get together with them or cancell for another time. i felt like a bag of boiled potatoes, so i called them up to let them know the disapointing news....and this is what happened:
L - helllloooooo!
me - hey, its nice to put a voice to the...uh...type.
L - yeah i know!
me - i have some bad news...
L - your stll sick arent you?
me - uh-huh. i dont think i would be much fun tonight. i think i have to cancel.
L - oh-no...maybe we can come and make you feel better?
me - i dont think so.
L - well, T wants to talk to you...hold on a sec...
T - hey, not going so well sweetie?
me - ive been better
T - well, we can just come over and hang out and get to know each other.
me - uh..
T - we dont have to do anything ...just hang out...i bet we could make you feel much better!
me - i dunno...
T - wont regret it...
me - (sigh) do you guys know how to get to our place?
i am so easily convinced sometimes.