Me and You...and Them.



back to the club again (nearing the end of february)
T & L. : the end....hopefully!
T & L: the break up #3
T & L : the break-up #2
T & L: the break-up #1
T & L : the aftermath - truth be told
T & L: the aftermath #1
T & L #5
T & L #4
T & L #3



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Monday, May 29, 2006

venturing upstairs

even though we decided that this was going to be a voyeur experience (just for our first time) i was still quite nervous and really had no idea what to expect! were people going to get mad if we were just watching? would we be expected to join in? would people start touching us without our permission? T&L had told us a few horror stories of some parties that werent controlled and the men got a little pushy. But this was a controlled club with rules so i wasnt too afraid of that happening.

we headed to the back of the club, through a dark hallway and up a secluded staircase. halfway up the staircase was a locked door

"please knock for entrance"

said the sign on the door. so we knocked. as we were waiting for someone to open the door and reveal the sexy secrets behind it, another couple was approaching up the stairs. we smiled at each other knowing that we were all going to be naked in front of each other momentarily. a young woman let us into the door.

"is this your first time here?" she asks. "no" the other couple states as they get their key and head to the change rooms. we tell her its our first time and she gives us a little schpiel.

"heres your key to a locker, change rooms are right there. there should be two towels in the locker and bring the key back to me once youve changed. condoms and lubricant are in every room. enjoy!"

as she was speaking a few people wrapped partially in towels walked by and i could see some nakedness and caressing in the next room over.

we took our key and entered the change room. the other couple was still changing also. we smile at them again and i hope we arent sending a vibe that we want to fuck them, not that i would have minded. they are quite attractive. she is a beautiful european blonde with a cute hint of an accent. she has my ideal body for a woman. soft, well shaped and proportional and not too thin. i like a woman with a bit of meat on her. he, on the other hand, is a little meatier than i like in a man, but still interestingly attractive. hes the kind of guy that grows on you the more you get to know him.

we open our locker and take out our towels. i hesitate for a moment wanting the other couple to leave before i undress, but realize that is a bit silly considering what they will see us doing over the next few hours. i start to undress.

the man of the couple (J) starts a conversation. by the casualty and confidence i assume they have done this before.

"so this is your first time here? i suggest you stay out of the hot tub."

"heh, whats wrong with the hot tub?" i enquire

J leans in a little closer and half whispers "they dont clean it very often and they are still using chlorine"

"i thought all hot tubs used chlorine?"

"no. we use hydrogen peroxide in our one at home." hes getting louder and more excited as he speaks. "chlorine is a known carcinogen and it dries the shit out of your skin. your body naturally produces hydrogen peroxide so its not harsh on your skin and it has no smell. your skin is also left feeling soft and smooth afterward instead of dry and flakey."

i start to wonder if he is a hot tub salesman. "good to know" i answer.

he was in his boxers a good portion of the time he was talking to us, and completely comfortable while doing so also.

Y and i are slowly undressing

J continues "so anyway, this place isnt the cleanest. we swing all over the world eh, and have been to some amazing clubs. a lot of places have people that go around changing the sheets after every "session."

"and these guys dont?" we question

"nah, but just bring your towel around with you to kneel or lie on"

the girl (A) pipes in..."and if you can, wear your shoes too. ive never walked around here in my bare feet.

i hesitate as im slipping off my boots. "really?"

J answers "ah, thats a girls thing. i dont wear my shoes but she always doesnt. girls seem to be more afraid of stepping on something "gross." plus a man naked in boots or sneakers looks a hell of a lot more ridiculous than a naked woman in heels! most guys like that sort of thing."

point well taken. i put my boots back on. A&J are now both naked & wrapped in towels (her heels still on) and they say "well, good talking to you two. we are going to check out the scene. see you around"

"ya, see you around"

we finished undressing and wrapped ourselves in the towels. there i was, naked in a towel with knee high boots on, in a club with people having sex in the next room. as crazy and surreal it all seemed, A&J made me feel quite at ease and ready to enjoy this experience....