Me and You...and Them.



T & L: the break up #3
T & L : the break-up #2
T & L: the break-up #1
T & L : the aftermath - truth be told
T & L: the aftermath #1
T & L #5
T & L #4
T & L #3
T & L #2
present day



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Monday, May 15, 2006

T & L. : the end....hopefully!

the next evening...

L: hi :)

10 mins later not really on the computer right now...watching a movie.

L: well if ya wanna chat later, i might be on; not sure though; sleepy. enjoy the movie :)

chat later? did he not get everything off of his chest the day before? i dont even talk to me best friends on msn this much!

the next day. (my cat was sitting in a drawer so my msn nickname was "my cats in a drawer")

L: cat's in a drawer? that's no home for a cat!

10 mins later

L: "help! I'm in a drawer! why did i go in here? damn; i NEVER think these things through. where does it end?"

i didnt answer.

on my comuter the next night...

L: hi

and hour later...

L: hi

15 mins later...

L: wacky cat

5 mins later..

L: drawer cat

the day after that...


20 mins later...

L: helloooooo?

i havent answered in 3 days...another day goes by...


an hour later...

L: hey

yet another hour later...

L: hey? u guys around? maybe it's an illusion...but not in the david copperfield sense...spooky

he freaked me out. i was half expecting them to, one day out of the blue, show up on our doorstep to see how we were doing . i stopped going on my msn since i didnt want to be bothered by him constantly sending messages. the feeling of being back in highschool was back, but this time i remembered girls running after the boys they liked, sending them emails, calling their house and constantly wanting to know where they were, what they were doing and who they were doing it with to the point of obsession. i decided to do what any mature honest adult would do in this situation....

i deleted them from our MSN and blocked them so they could no longer send us messages or even see when we are online.

that should give them the picture.