Me and You...and Them.



M&B take two
date #1 with M&B?
some more pics
M&B - first encounter
first attempt
so, i got a new camera...
and now comes the sex?
guest post by my one and only....
finally continued...



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Tuesday, October 17, 2006


we may be going to a club for halloween but arent quite sure what we would like to go as. i dont want to do a typical outfit like everyone else (sexy nurse, cat, devil, bunny, etc) but would like something a little more creative. any suggestions??

here are some ideas we are playing with:

cowboy and cowgirl
married cousins from the south (funny, but not too sexy)
pimp and ho (me as the pimp, Y as the ho. again, not so sexy for either of us, unless you are into cross dressing, i suppose.)
good cop, bad cop
and our favourite, a cowboy (for him) and an indian girl (for me)

ive always wanted to be a banana for halloween, but that wouldnt be sexy at all. phallic, yes. sexy, no. while i was searching for costumes i found one website that sold a plug and outlet costume for couples. i thought it was funny, but didnt want to pay over $100 for it. so any suggestions would be appreciated!

Thanks all.