Me and You...and Them.



some more pics
M&B - first encounter
first attempt
so, i got a new camera...
and now comes the sex?
guest post by my one and only....
finally continued...
A & J date #2



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Friday, October 06, 2006

date #1 with M&B?

we chatted with the new, slightly boring couple a little bit more and decided to meet them. they were a tad dry, but they seemed to want the same things as us (happy with oral and not going "all the way" with each others partner) and i really liked the idea of teaching them a little bit about the swinging world. we talked about meeting them at the club, but decided against that since we had met another couple there before and it was hard and awkward to talk to them and get to know them over the loud club music.

we made plans to meet them for dinner first. if we hit it off we could proceed to the club from there, if we didn’t hit it off, we could make up a lame excuse to cut the night short.

i was excited for two reasons:

1) we really seemed to be hitting it off with this couple.
2) we were going out for thai food. one of my favourist of foods. (yes i said "favourist")

i had to go out for a while beforehand and about 3 hours before we were supposed to meet with M&B, IT happened. Y had called me on my cell phone and we got in a fight. when Y and i fight, we dont really scream and yell at each other. we get mad then i usually cry and we both give each other the silent treatment until we cool off and can talk civilly about whatever we may be fighting about. (if i remember correctly, this fight was about pulley systems...really, dont ask)

we hung up on each other. i was pissed. he was pissed. when i finally made it home, Y was napping in the bedroom and i messaged M&B:

me: hey guys...i hope you get this sorry for the short notice, but we have to cancel for tonight. its nothing to do with you..we had a bit of a fight and are not really in the frame of mind for this tonight. im afraid we wouldnt be much fun. im really really sorry and hope that we can re-schedule for another night. you should head to the club without us still though. its a good time. hope we can talk soon

M&B: No worries guys, we are still going to check out the club. We will probably go to the thai restaurant too. if you guys felt up to it come out, if not we will talk to you later and hook up another date to meet. Try to have a good night!

i went to nap on the couch. i was woken up an hour later by Y trying to fit on the couch to snuggle up with me. we hate being mad at each other for too long. we talked out the problem and made up and kissed. And kissed.

After a while we decided to see if we could at least still make it to the club to meet M&B...