Me and You...and Them.



venturing upstairs - the aftermath
theyyyyy're baaaaack!
venturing upstairs #4
venturing upstairs #3
venturing upstairs #2
venturing upstairs
back to the club again (nearing the end of february)
T & L. : the end....hopefully!



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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

back to the club

a few weeks later we found the visions in our head of group sex were fading, so we decided to go back to the club to reload some new images onto the hard-drive of our memory. (sure beats internet porn)

we arrived and again only paid the $20 for the club not wanting to commit to the upstairs without knowing the age group or attractiveness of the couples present. as the night went on we were glad that we didnt splurge for the pass upstairs. there were a few younger couples but none that were overly attractive.

we danced and hung around debating whether we wanted to take the chance of going upstairs when we saw
A&J dancing a little ways away from us. they were by far the most attractive couple there. (besides us of course ;)

i felt a little of the "high school insecurity" creeping back into me after being suppressed for about 10 years. back then i was always assuming that the cute and popular boys wouldnt give me a chance. (only to find out years later that most of them had crushes on me too.)

as we danced i watched A&J and thought to myself "theres no way they would go for us," but remembered all the missed opportunities to "mack" the popular boys in school.

we moved closer to them.

up until this point i was afraid of making the first move on a girl because i had no knowledge of what a girl wants from another girl. it was insecurity with my lack of experience, but this was the first time that her pure beauty overthrew me and made me second guess myself. she wasnt the airbrushed model type by any means, if she was i dont think i would have been attracted to her. shes the type of girl that you could see on the street in sweat pants and a sweater but you still cant help but stare. she exudes confidence but feels real and down to earth all at that same time.

so we move closer and closer until we are dancing about a foot away from them. there are sexy glances and shy smiles exchanged between all of us.

"i wonder if they remember us from the other night?" i ask Y as J sits down on a couch that lines the dance floor. A positions herself in front of him and sexily sways her hips in a seductive lap dance for J's (and our) pleasure.

As Y is whining that i dont have the courage to go up and talk to them, they come over to us! she is rummaging through her purse and he asks, "hey, do you guys have any gum?"

is that swinger code for 'do you want to go upstairs and fuck?'......