Me and You...and Them.



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second thoughts?
January 2005
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Sunday, April 23, 2006

guest post by "Y"

So once in a while Y has a few things he wants to add to my blog, so i am letting him have guest posts when he wants. here is the first of many to come...

To my defence I'll also mention that each picture we recived from the "troll girl couple" showed her from either her side or covered her shoulders... Now picture this... 5 footish, 110 pounds, but with shoulder that would envy a line backer! This girl was build! She looked a feminine as male bodybuilding midget!.. ontop of that, It looked like she had washed her face with an SOS pad.. It was a redish purple that been unsucessfully covered up with by a ton of makeup.... It just wasn't our cup of tea.. But like we said.. They were "Nice"... Really "nice"...